There is nothing like a phone call, moments before school begins, from the daycare telling you that your little girl threw up all over another child! I admit I laughed.
I had a momentary chuckle and then got busy getting a sub and getting things ready for someone to take things over so I could go and rescue my sweet girl. I feel very blessed to have a team of teachers and friends that were there and willing to let me simply walk out the door. I didn't do it - not completely at least. I jotted down a few sub notes with the promise that they would translate if needed.
I found my baby curled up in lap of one of her supervisors. They had cleaned her up but I could tell she was exhausted. Even then she had a giggle and a bright smile for me when she saw me. Makes a mama's heart melt.
We haven't done much is the best kind of days. I have held and simply snuggled this sweet girl. It isn't very often that I get to take advantage of these sweet moments.
When she got tired of sleeping on me she wanted to sleep in her crib and I have gotten a few things done. I had to take a moment and thank heaven for moments like this one. Nothing else in the world mattered right then but her.