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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Journey with Close Reading

When I first read about close reading I was extremely skeptical. I saw teachers throwing Guided Reading out the door and simply handing out texts with accompanying questions to be answered. I was having none of it. 

Later when I saw a Close Reading course being offered during the summer I was bound and determined to give the instructors a piece of my mind. I just knew I was going to go in to that class and defend Guided Reading and let those people know exactly how wrong they were!!! 

I am happy to report that I was mistaken, but then again so was that first teacher. Close Reading is much more than a list of questions to be asked and answered. It is a new way to look at books. It is a journey to be taken, to be explored and loved as you experience books in new/deeper ways.

I am by NO means a Close Reading expert. I AM, however, a  3rd grade teacher, who has been asked to learn more and teach members of our faculty more about Close Reading. I am excited to see where this journey of discovery will take me.  Come back and visit often as I share my lessons, new discoveries, and triumphs in the world of Close Reading.